Figure 3.
The cyclic voltammograms of 200 µM Aβ (1–16) (thick solid curve), 100 µM Cu(II) (dashed curve), a mixture containing 200 µM Aβ (1–16) and 200 µM Cu(II) (thin solid curve) and an O2-saturated Aβ (1–16)/Cu(II) mixture (dash-dot-dash). A voltammogram from a 50 µM tyrosine solution is shown in the inset. All solutions were prepared with a buffer containing 5 mM phosphate and 0.1 M Na2SO4 (pH 7.4) and data were obtained at a glassy carbon disk electrode with a diameter of 3 mm. The scan rate was 20 mV/s and the arrow indicates the initial scan direction.