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. 2011 Nov 22;343:d6608. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d6608

Table 1.

 Summary results of five groups of models for allocating funds to general practices in England for commissioning hospital care; predicting costs for 2007-8 using data from 2005-6 and 2006-7

Model Variables included Coefficient of determination (R²)
Person based Attributed Estimation sample* Validation sample 1† Validation sample 2‡
1 Age and sex 0.0373 0.0366 0.3444
2 Age and sex, diagnoses (ICD-10 codes) 0.1264 0.1223 0.6084
3 (basic model) Age and sex, diagnoses 152 PCT dummies 0.1268 0.1227 0.7437
4 (full model) Age and sex, diagnoses PCT dummies, 135 needs variables, 63 supply variables 0.1272 0.1230 0.7851
5 (parsimonious model) Age and sex, diagnoses PCT dummies, 7 needs variables, 3 supply variables 0.1272 0.1229 0.7735

PCT=primary care trust.

*Individual level sample (n=5 206 651).

†Individual level sample (n=5 205 747).

‡Practice level sample (n=797 practices, 5 445 559 individuals).