Fig. 7. MAT1A deletion alters the triglyceride and total cholesterol distribution among plasma lipoprotein subclasses in mice.
Blood was collected from 2 hour fasted 3-month-old (3m) and 8-month-old (8m) wild type (WT) () and MAT1A-knockout (MAT1A-KO) (
) mice. Serum was isolated and lipoproteins were separated in 20 subclasses (represented as fraction numbers 1 to 20) with gel permeation columns on the basis of differences in particle size by HPLC at Skylight Biotech Inc. (Akita, Japan). (A, B) Triglyceride (TG) and (C, D) total cholesterol concentrations were determined as described in material and methods in the lipoprotein subclasses defined as large (fractions 3–5), medium (fraction 6) and small (fraction 7) VLDL subclasses, large (fraction 8), medium (fraction 9), small (fraction 10) and very small (fractions 11–13) LDL subclasses and very large (fractions 14–15), large (fraction 16), medium (fraction 17), small (fraction 18) and very small (fractions 19–20) HDL subclasses. Values are means ± SEM of 4–8 animals per group. Statistical differences between MAT1A-KO and WT mice are denoted by *p<0.05, **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001 (Student's t test).