Fractionation of DBEs from nonmutant and
su1-Ref kernels by gel-permeation chromatography. A,
DBEs in nonmutant kernels. Proteins from nonmutant kernels harvested 20
DAP were applied to a Sephacryl S-200 superfine gel-permeation column.
Fractions were assayed for pullulanase-type DBE activity by measuring
formation of new reducing ends after incubation with pullulan (activity
units, ▪), and for isoamylase-type DBE activity by determination of
iodine-complex absorbance maxima after incubation with amylopectin
(A550, □). Equivalent amounts of protein
from fractions exhibiting DBE activity were analyzed for the presence
of ZPU1 or SU1 on immunoblots with the indicated antisera. B, DBEs in
su1-Ref kernels. Proteins from su1-Ref
kernels harvested 20 DAP were fractionated and assayed for DBE
activity, and immunoblot analysis was performed, as described for A. C,
Comparative immunoblot analysis. Nonmutant proteins in fractions 9 to
12 from A (lanes +) and su1-Ref proteins in fractions 9
to 12 from B (lanes m) were subjected to immunoblot analysis with the
anti-ZPU1 antibody. Equivalent amounts of protein were loaded, and each
lane contained twice as much protein as the immunoblots shown in A and