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. 2011 Oct 15;8(6):A131.

Table 1.

Descriptive Characteristics of Analysis Sample, KAN-DO Study, North Carolina, 2007-2009 (n = 337)

Characteristic na Mean (SD) or %

Child's age, y 337 3.5 (1.1)
Maternal age, y 337 32.7 (4.9)
Maternal race/ethnicity
White non-Hispanic 246 73%
White Hispanic 15 4%
Nonwhite 76 23%
Child's sex
Boy 195 58%
Girl 142 42%
Maternal marital status
Married 295 88%
Single/divorced/separated 29 9%
Living with partner 13 4%
Annual household income, $
≤60,000 137 41%
>60,000 195 59%
Maternal education
High school or less 41 12%
Some post-high school training or college 63 19%
College graduate or greater 233 69%
Child's body mass index categoryb
<5th percentile (underweight) 10 3%
≥5th to <85th percentile (healthy weight) 242 72%
≥85th to <95th percentile (overweight) 55 16%
≥95th percentile (obese) 30 9%
Maternal body mass index, kg/m2
25 to <30 132 39%
30 to <35 111 33%
35 to <40 57 17%
≥40 37 11%
Maternal depression screenc
Negative 278 82%
Positive 59 18%
Maternal chronic health problem
Yes 29 10%
No 268 90%
Behavioral attributes and skills
Child's history of being breastfed in first 12 months
No breastfeeding 51 15%
Breast and formula fed 227 67%
Breastfed exclusively until 12 mo 59 18%
Child's television watching, h/d
<2 187 55%
≥2 150 45%
Child's sweetened beverage and soda consumption per day
None 157 47%
Some 180 53%
Child sleeps too little
Usually or sometimes 81 24%
Rarely 253 76%
Social and cultural
Maternal physical activity, counts/dd 330 113,037 (46,550)
Maternal television watching, h/d
<2 145 43%
≥2 192 57%
Maternal computer use, h/d
<2 261 77%
≥2 76 23%
Physical environment
Child's time spent outdoors, h/d 330 2.0 (1.6)
Childcare arrangement
Stay-at-home mother 176 52%
Some combination of child care that includes mother 79 23%
Full-time child care with someone other than mother 82 24%
No. of children born to the mother
2 208 62%
3 82 24%
≥4 47 14%
Opportunities indoors for gross motor play
Yes 297 88%
No 40 12%
Opportunities outdoors for gross motor play
Yes 305 91%
No 32 10%
Television in the child's bedroom
Yes 83 25%
No 254 75%

Abbreviations: KAN-DO, Kids and Adults Now! Defeat Obesity; SD, standard deviation.


Numbers may not sum to totals because of missing numbers, and percentages may not sum to 100% because of rounding.


Defined by using current American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations (16).


Categorized by using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, considering scores of 13 or greater as a positive screen for depression (17).


Maternal physical activity is described in counts per day because cutoffs for MVPA and sedentary time were not available.