Figure 4. Three divergent 3DL1/S1 allelic lineages are maintained in all human populations.
The minimum-spanning network shows the phylogenetic relationships and geographic distribution of 3DL1/S1 alleles. The distance between two nodes corresponds to one nucleotide change in the coding region. (
) denotes substitutions altering surface abundance, (▶) denotes substitutions in the ligand binding site (66). Nodes with colored circles are the alleles present in the modern human population, the area representing the frequency worldwide and the different colors the distribution between major population groups. Allelic lineages are denoted by the background shading: 015, magenta; 005, cyan; and 3DS1, green. 3DL1*001, a recombinant of the 015 and 005 lineages, has a purple background. Dashed lines indicate four other recombination events: R1, acquisition of activating signaling function to form 3DS1 from 3DL1 (The 22 unique substitutions in the 3DS1 signaling domain are not shown as nodes, because they were acquired en bloc.); R2, causing 3DL1*007 and 3DL1*004-like alleles to have the same cytoplasmic tail; R3, forming a chimera of 3DL1 and 3DL2; and R4, representing two independent events when 3DL1 acquired the D0 domain of 3DS1 to give the 3DL1*007 and 3DL1*042 alleles. The network was generated using the program TCS 1.21 (117) set to 99% confidence (by parsimony) that alleles formed by mutation not recombination.