Figure 3.
High density HBMSCs expressed increased endothelial cell markers but reduced smooth muscle cell markers, by 3 days. The levels of vascular cell markers were determined in HBMSCs plated and cultured at high density for 3 days. (A) ELISA assay of VEGF-A derived from medium taken from HBMSCs cultured at low density for 24 h, or at high cell density up to 3 days, normalised against corresponding β-actin levels. (B–E) Immunoblot analysis of (B) vWF, (C) VEGFR1, (D) SM-MHC-1, and (E) smoothelin-B (SMTH) in HBMSCs cultured at low density (HBMSC-L) for 24 h or at high cell density up to 3 days. Pixel density was normalised to β-actin and plotted as bar graphs. * P < 0.05 compared to HBMSCs cultured after plating at low cell density.