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. 2011 Jun 1;9(66):68–76. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2011.0001

Table 1.


symbol description
r births per year
f maturity rate
d1 juvenile death rate
d2 adult death rate
ks,1 juvenile death rate from varicella (no vaccine)
ks,2 adult death rate from varicella (no vaccine)
kv,1 varicella mortality of vaccinated juveniles
kv,2 varicella mortality of vaccinated adults
σ 1/duration of incubation period
δs 1/duration of infectious period (no vaccine)
δv 1/duration of infectious period if vaccinated
β1 transmission rate—juveniles to juveniles
β2 transmission rate—adults to adults, adults to juveniles and juveniles to adults
v vaccination probability
p probability of primary failure
φ probability of temporary protection
ε probability of becoming infected if vaccinated
b probability that immunity will be ‘boosted’ if exposed to varicella while vaccine protected
ρ relative infectiousness of breakthrough varicella
ψ waning rate (year−1)
λ1 forces of infection in juveniles
λ2 forces of infection in adults
pIJ infection probability for juveniles
pBJ breakthrough probability for juveniles
pIA infection probability for adults
pBA breakthrough probability for adults
CIJ total expected costs of infection per case in juveniles
CIA total expected costs of infection per case in adults
CBJ total expected costs of breakthrough infection in juveniles
CBA total expected costs of breakthrough infection in adults
Cv vaccination cost
DR disutility of vaccine refusal (expected cost to individuals who do not receive the vaccine)
DV disutility of vaccination (expected cost to vaccinated individuals)
Dave average disutility to the society (expected societal cost per person)
VN Nash equilibrium vaccination coverage