Figure 7. NADPH oxidase mediates Ang II–induced CaMKII oxidation, apoptosis, and SND.
Ang II infusion for 3 weeks in p47–/– mice does not increase ox-CaMKII by immunofluorescence (A) or immunoblotting (B and C). P = 0.54, n = 5/group. The lanes were run on the same gel but were noncontiguous. Scale bars: 50 μm. (D) Unanesthetized and unrestrained p47–/– mice have no significant decrease in resting HR (P = 0.97, n = 15/group) after Ang II compared with saline infusion for 3 weeks. *P < 0.01 between groups. (E) Langendorff-perfused hearts explanted from mice in D show no increase in sinus pauses (n = 5/group). (F) Ang II infusion for 3 weeks in p47–/– mice does not increase CSNRT (P = 0.66 for 100 ms and P = 0.40 for 80 ms; n = 5/group) (G) Summary data showing no increase in TUNEL-positive SAN cells in Ang II– compared with saline-infused p47–/– mice (P = 0.12, n = 5/group). *P = 0.01 between groups.