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. 2011 Oct 3;5:225. doi: 10.3332/ecancer.2011.225
Please suggest any improvements that could be made
caArray—Array Data Management System
A good tool
My students use it
Seems an easy tool for array analysis
caTissue Suite
Useful for overall storage/retrieval of complex biospecimens/case series. Maybe less so for smaller numbers of specimens.
We will use it in the near future
Cancer Genome-Wide Association Scan (caGWAS)
Still learning how to use the program
We have preliminary information, plan to use it more frequently in the near future
National Biomedical Imaging Archive
The integration of images of biomedical research with genomics data is a very potent thus intuitive method
Registration should be a quicker process—we often work on tight deadlines!
Sometimes, array analyses require a broad computing language knowledge such as R. This tool may help these people not familiar with this computing abilities.
cancerBench-to-Bedside (caB2B)
As integrative tool can be very useful
Will get into it in the near future
It would be great to have a few example input files for every type of plug in
Database is represented with included data, not with real situation
caBIG Integration Hub (formerly caXchange)
Plan to use it this year
NCI Protégé
  [No Responses]
caBIG Vocabulary Knowledge Center (LexEVS Server; LexEVS and EVS APIs; LexBIG)
  [No Responses]
BiomedGT Wiki and LexWiki
Haven’t used enough to have a good idea of rating
General comments
Comment on this whole survey—most of the tools mentioned, I have never heard of. I might use them if I knew about them and what they do. The BiomedWiki tool I came across from Google.
I should say although I don’t use these tools directly, I have a team of researchers that will find such tools useful.
I was never aware of the availability of these tools until now. Definitely will give them a shot.
I do thank you for valuable information of the mentioned NCI tools which I have never heard about before.