Dynamic theta power and coherence during real-time performance of DNMS trials. A, Power and coherence were calculated within subject and are illustrated as colored envelopes bounded by the SEs around the means (solid lines). Data on left is time locked to the sample press, and data on the right to the match press (with variable delays between the two), revealing functional differences between control (blue) and ELS (red) rats when the envelopes diverge. ELS rats showed elevated PFC theta power from the beginning to the end of the trial (sample to match press) and increased CA1–PFC coherence following the sample press (solid arrows). B, Evolution of theta in the retrieval period (gray box in A) over the course of DNMS training, with training blocks grouped into three consecutive levels. C, PFC power data from individual rats used to produce the averaged data in A (last panel). Notice that all ELS rats showed consistently higher PFC power than controls in general, particularly before the match lever press.