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. 2011 Aug 31;12:437. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-12-437

Table 3.

P.aeruginosa genes affected in the ΔpppA-ppkA mutant compared to the PAO1 wild-type strain

Gene (Name) Fold changea P-value    Protein (Function)c Other regulators
oxidative stress

primary metabolism
PA0106 (coxA)b 2.58 0.177 cytochrome c oxidase, subunit I (Energy metabolism) RpoS, QS
PA0107b 3.68 0.091 CHP (Energy metabolism) RpoS, QS
PA0108 (coIII) 2.22 0.038 cytochrome c oxidase, transmembrabe helix, subunit III (Energy metabolism) RpoS, QS
PA1317 (cyoA) -3.08 0.013 cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit II (Energy metabolism) QS
PA1318 (cyoB) -2.79 0.009 cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit I (Energy metabolism) QS
PA1319 (cyoC) -2.39 0.043 cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit III (Energy metabolism) QS
PA1320 (cyoD) -2.27 0.041 cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit IV (Energy metabolism) QS
PA1321 (cyoE) -3.86 0.037 cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase protein CyoE (Energy metabolism) QS
sulphur metabolism
PA0283 (sbp)b 4.89 0.061 sulfate-binding protein precursor, ABC transporter (Transport of small molecules)
PA0284 10.61 0.038 HP PQS
PA1493 (cysP) 4.73 0.004 sulfate-binding protein of ABC transporter (Transport of small molecules)
PA1754 (cysB) 1.73 0.022 transcriptional regulator CysB (Amino acid biosynthesis and metabolism)
PA1838 (cysI)b 2.80 0.051 sulfite reductase (Central intermediary metabolism)
PA3441 2.76 0.027 Pr. molybdopterin-binding protein (Transport of small molecules)
PA3450 8.46 0.047 Pr. antioxidant protein (Adaptation, protection) Probable Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase
PA3935 (tauD) 1.81 0.037 taurine dioxygenase (Carbon compound catabolism) RpoS
PA3936 (tauC)b 2.92 0.080 Pr. permease of ABC taurine transporter (Membrane proteins; Transport of small molecules) RpoS
PA3938 (tauA) 5.07 0.025 Pr. periplasmic taurine-binding protein precursor (Transport of small molecules) RpoS
PA4442 (cysN)b 3.13 0.117 ATP sulfurylase GTP-binding subunit/APS kinase (Amino acid biosynthesis and metabolism; Central intermediary metabolism) QS
PA4443 (cysD)b 4.86 0.051 ATP sulfurylase small subunit (Amino acid biosynthesis and metabolism; Central intermediary metabolism) QS
PA0594 (surA) 2.03 0.036 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase SurA (Adaptation, protection)
PA1127b -2.94 0.061 Pr. oxidoreductase (Adaptation, protection; Putative enzymes)

RpoS regulated genes

PA1708 (popB)b -2.08 0.070 translocator protein PopB (Protein secretion/export apparatus) QS, TTSS
PA1709 (popD) -1.82 0.004 translocator protein PopD (Protein secretion/export apparatus) QS, TTSS
PA4551 (pilV) -2.09 0.008 type 4 fimbrial biogenesis protein PilV (Motility & Attachment)
PA1048 2.80 0.037 Pr. outer membrane protein (Membrane proteins; Transport of small molecules)
PA1119 1.95 0.021 Pr. outer membrane lipoprotein (Membrane proteins)
PA1175 (napD) 1.88 0.021 NapD protein of periplasmic nitrate reductase (Energy metabolism) QS
PA2204 1.87 0.014 Pr. binding protein component of ABC transporter (Transport of small molecules) PQS
PA2223 2.76 0.021 HP
PA2235 2.11 0.017 HP
PA2303 1.80 0.035 HP QS
PA2365 1.96 0.017 CHP QS
PA2366 2.05 0.001 CHP QS
PA2452 1.76 0.033 HP
PA2570 (pa1L) 2.47 0.049 PA-I galactophilic lectin (Adaptation, protection; Motility & Attachment) QS
PA2781 2.06 0.027 HP
PA2939 4.49 0.018 Pr. aminopeptidase (Putative enzymes) QS
PA3622 (rpoS) 3.86 0.030 sigma factor RpoS (Transcriptional regulators) PQS
PA3848 1.93 0.020 HP
PA4175 (prpL) 4.65 0.008 protease IV (Secreted Factors (toxins, enzymes, alginate)) QS
PA4296 (pprB) 3.69 0.029 PprB two-component response regulator (Transcriptional regulators; Two-component regulatory systems; Antibiotic resistance and susceptibility) QS
PA4299 (tadD)b 2.41 0.086 tadD Flp pilus assembly protein (Function Motility & Attachment) PprB, QS
PA4306 (flp) 6.69 0.002 Flp Type IVb pilin (Motility & Attachment) PprB, QS

QS regulated genes

PA0572 3.27 0.049 HP
PA1874 2.02 0.048 HP
PA2067 2.38 0.039 Pr. hydrolase (Putative enzymes)
PA3724 (lasB) 2.23 0.037 elastase LasB (Translation, post-translational modification, degradation; Secreted Factors (toxins, enzymes, alginate)) RpoS, PQS
PA3922 11.31 0.038 CHP
PA3923b 8.11 0.143 HP
PA4497 2.61 0.031 Pr. binding protein component of ABC transporter (Transport of small molecules)
PA5481 2.01 0.038 HP

PQS/MvfR regulon

PA0200 5.10 0.048 HP
PA0201 5.10 0.048 HP
PA0996 (pqsA) 4.56 0.011 Pr. coenzyme A ligase (Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers)
PA0997 (pqsB) 2.05 0.007 Homologous to beta-keto-acyl-acyl-carrier protein synthase (Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers)
PA0998 (pqsC) 2.07 0.038 Homologous to beta-keto-acyl-acyl-carrier protein synthase (Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers)
PA0999 (pqsD) 2.24 0.009 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III (Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers)
PA1000 (pqsE) 2.50 0.016 Quinolone signal response protein (Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups and carriers)
PA1001 (phnA)b 2.54 0.065 anthranilate synthase component I (Adaptation, protection)
PA1002 (phnB)b 2.19 0.071 anthranilate synthase component II (Adaptation, protection; Amino acid biosynthesis and metabolism
PA3520 2.31 0.020 HP oxidative stress
PA4377 3.01 0.022 HP

other genes

PA4139 12.71 0.018 HP

a Fold changes represent the ratio of the expression levels in the comparison of P. aeruginosa ΔpppA-ppkA and wild type PAO1. Minus (-) sign indicates a decreased expression in ΔpppA-ppkA mutant strain;b p-value > 0.05, only genes from the same transcriptional unit are listed;c HP - hypothetical protein, CHP- conserved hypothetical protein, Pr. - probable