Table 2.
Enriched Gene ontology terms represented by the 46 PN/CQ features after filtering
GO ID | Ontology | Term | q | m | T | K | genes | log_odds_ratio | p |
GO:0005576 | cellular_component | extracellular region | 7 | 221 | 2198 | 10 | PFA0765c//MAL7P1.57//PFE0065w//PFI0005w//PFF0855c//PFL2640c//PFL2620w | 2.7995 | 0.000272 |
GO:0018995 | cellular_component | host | 7 | 220 | 2198 | 10 | PFA0765c//MAL7P1.57//PFE0065w//PFI0005w//PFF0855c//PFL2640c//PFL2620w | 2.806043 | 0.000272 |
GO:0020002 | cellular_component | host cell plasma membrane | 5 | 190 | 2198 | 10 | PFA0765c//MAL7P1.57//PFI0005w//PFF0855c//PFL2640c | 2.53212 | 0.01505 |
GO:0033643 | cellular_component | host cell part | 7 | 220 | 2198 | 10 | PFA0765c//MAL7P1.57//PFE0065w//PFI0005w//PFF0855c//PFL2640c//PFL2620w | 2.806043 | 0.000272 |
Significantly enriched gene ontology terms were identified using the GOEAST tool. The top four significant terms are shown. GO ID is the identifier for the GO term in the Gene Ontology Project, Ontology represents the ontology category the GO term belongs to, term is the GO definition, q is the number of genes associated with the same GO ID in the data analyzed, m is the total number of genes associated with the listed GO ID in the genome, t is the total number of annotated genes for Plasmodium falciparum, k is the total number of features with gene annotations considered for analysis, genes are the Gene IDs sharing the same significant GO ID, log_odds_ratio is the log2 odds ratio of the GO ID enrichment and p is the FDR-adjusted p-value for significance.