In situ localization of the RINO1 transcript
detected by a DIG-labeled antisense probe (A–G) and globoids detected
by toluidine blue staining (I–L) in developing embryos 2 (A), 3 (B and
I), 4 (C), 5 (D and J), 7 (E), 10 (G and K), and 14 DAA (G and L). An
embryo 7 DAA was also hybridized with a DIG-labeled sense probe (H).
cp, Coleoptile; eb, epiblast; en, endosperm; r, radicle; sa, shoot
apical meristem; st, scutellum; v, vascular procambium. Some of the
globoids in J are marked with arrowheads. The dorsal side is to the
right of each panel. Scale bars represent 50 μm.