ChaFF and IL-13 mRNA expression in the lungs of Nb, Pcc and co-infected mice. Real-time RT-PCR of mRNA from lung tissue harvested at 3, 5, 7 or 20 days pi showed that the effect of Pcc on Nb-induced expression of RELMα (A) and Ym1 (B) changed over time. RELMα was transiently elevated in co-infected (Nb+Pcc) compared to Nb mice at 3 days pi (P = 0.0257), but expression of mRNA for RELMα (A), and Ym1 (B) was then found to be significantly lower in the lungs of Nb+Pcc mice than in Nb mice by 7 days pi (RELMα, P = 0.0113; Ym1, P = 0.005). IL-13 mRNA expression (C) largely mirrored this pattern, as it was significantly reduced in Nb+Pcc mice compared to Nb mice at 5 days pi (P = 0.0169). At 20 days pi, however, RELMα (A) was again significantly elevated in Nb+Pcc relative to Nb mice. (P = 0.01) Data are expressed as percentage of positive control samples (for RELMα and Ym1, peritoneal macrophages of a mouse implanted with Brugia malayi adult parasites for 3 weeks [72]; for IL-13, spleen of an MHV-68 infected IFNγR-KO mouse [63]). Bars indicate mean ± SEM of 2 combined independent experiments, each with 4-9 mice per group per timepoint. The symbol ¶ indicates significance of the difference between co-infected and Nb mice (P values included above and in Results text).