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. 2010 May 21;7:46. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-7-46

Table 3.

Meta-regression regressing level of displacement a on national mean levels of physical activity and screen-based sedentary behaviors.

Boys Girls
Coef 95% CI R2 Coef 95% CI R2
Screen time on MVPA
Cumulative screen timeb 0.06 (-0.04 to 0.15) 30.45 -0.03 (-0.09 to 0.02) 47.41
Mean MVPAc -0.41 (-0.64 to-0.18) -0.27 (-0.41 to -0.12)
Screen time on VPA
Cumulative screen timeb 0.07 (-0.04 to 0.19) 36.55 0.01 (-0.07 to 0.08) 48.11
Mean VPAd -0.37 (-0.57 to -0.18) -0.25 (-.37 to -0.12)

Note. (a) country estimates of the association between physical activity and screen-based sedentary behaviors; (b) refers to the mean cumulative time spent in screen-based sedentary behavior for each respective country; (c) refers to the mean number of days pr week with 60 minutes cumulative MVPA in each country; (d) refers to the mean number of hours pr week in vigorous physical activity in each country.