Table 2.
Time line of events in the implementation of an insecticide-treated nets subsidy scheme under a public-private partnership for malaria control in Tanzania (period from 2000 to 2006)
Year | Key National Factors | Key Global Factors |
2000 | Finalization of large scale social marketing programme on ITNs in South-East Tanzania (Abdullah et al 2000; Schellenberg et al 2001) | |
Meeting with stakeholders on 'Going to Scale with Insecticide Treated Nets' in Tanzaniał | ||
A strategic plan on scaling up of ITNs in Tanzania is developedłł | ||
Multisectoral task force is formed to spearhead the implementation of ITNs in the country | ||
Speech by the His Excellency the President of the United Republic of Tanzania; President William Mkapa at a fund raising dinner for the comprehensive control of malaria in Zanzibar | ||
2001 | Terms of reference for ITN Steering Committee and Consultative group developed Task force is therefore converted to an 'ITN Steering Committee' chaired by the Chief Medical Officer of the MOH |
2002–2003 | Third phase of social marketing of Insecticide treated nets (SMARTNET) – Population Services International | |
2002 | An implementation plan for scaling up of ITNs in Tanzania is developed | GFATM awards Tanzania 19.8 million USD for the NATNETs project for a period of 3 years |
All locally produced mosquito nets are bundled with an insecticide re-treatment kit | ||
Submission of a proposal on the National Insecticide Treated Nets implementation (NATNETs) plan support to the GFATM Round 1 | ||
Reintroduction of VAT on raw materials for the production of mosquito nets by the MOF | ||
2003 | ITN team leader recruited at the beginning of year and Administrator and Communication Officer recruited at the end of the year. Financial support towards the technical staff for the ITN cell made available through SDC. Proposal prepared by STIłłł and NMCP | International community advocate for free nets |
Steering Committee reconstituted, reflecting a much more narrower committee | ||
Development Cooperation Ireland contribute financially towards the NATNETs programme | ||
Sensitization of members of Parliament on the disease burden of malaria, its impact on the economy and strategies for its prevention with emphasis on the use of ITNs | ||
2004 | Implementation of the NATNETs project delays until October 2004 – launch by Honourable Vice President | |
Districts officially informed to examine ways in which existing ITN activities (revolving fund, sale of nets by health facilities and free distribution of ITNs) can be phased out once the TNVS is introduced in respective districts | ||
Price WaterHouse Coopers is appointed as the Local Fund Agent for the NATNET project | ||
TNVS Advocacy Meeting to Regions in the First Roll out Phase and other stakeholders, Morogoro | ||
Launching of LLIN produced by A to Z by the Honourable President of the United Republic, Benjamin Mkapa | ||
2004 – 2005 | An additional net manufacturing company becomes operational established in Northern Tanzania; Motex Textiles Ltd | |
2005 | SDC supports second phase of the ITN cell up to 2008. Proposal prepared by STI and NMCP | World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland – Honurable former Head of State – Benjamin Mkapa receives a donation towards malaria control in Tanzania |
Monitoring and Evaluation of the TNVS by IHRDC and LSHTM – 2005 and 2006 | ||
The United Republic of Tanzania invests in scale-up of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets in the A to Z Textile Manufacturing company in Arusha through building a road to the new manufacturing site and provision of water |
ł PricewatersHouseCoopers and Population Service International, Going to scale with insecticide treated nets, Dar-es-Salaam, March 2000
łł United Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Health, National Malaria Control Programme, Taking insecticide treated nets to national scale in Tanzania, November, 2000