Analysis of DNA-nuclear protein complexes by EMSA with the anti-Nrf2 antibodies C-20x and H-300x (A). EMSAs with anti-Arnt 2 antibody and normal rabbit IgG were included as isotype controls (A). Nuclear extracts from t-BHQ treated (50 μM) HepG2 cells were incubated with the labeled −2698ARE-CBR3 oligonucleotide and antibodies as described in the text. Comparative densitometric analysis for specific complexes A, B and C (B. See text for details). EMSA experiments were repeated 3 times to evaluate reproducibility. In all cases, band intensity values were compared against the band intensity of the “no antibody” reaction, which was set arbitrarily at 1. Data represent the mean ±SD. Asterisks indicate significant differences between band intensity values (*, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001). The plus symbol (+) indicates no significant differences (p>0.05).