Figure 7. Effect of external pH (pHo) on background K+ current of HAC.
A, currents recorded from a HAC voltage-clamped at a constant holding potential of –110 mV. The cell was initially in 5 mm K+, pHo 7.4, then the solution was switched to 145 mm K+ at different pHo, as indicated. B, ramp I–V relations in 145 mm K+, at three different values of pHo, as indicated (different cell from A). Currents were the average of three consecutive sweeps in each pHo. Five millimolar TEA was added to all solutions. C, plots of zero-current slope conductance of the (ramp) I–V, in 25 and 145 mm external K+, at three values of pHo. Five millimolar TEA was included in all solutions. The 25 mm K+ and 145 mm K+ data were from 9 and 19 cells, respectively. Values are means ± SEM. *P < 0.05, compared with pHo 7.4 (repeated measures ANOVA). D, effect of pHo on RMP of HAC in 5 and 25 mm external K+. Solutions included 5 mm TEA for all recordings of RMP. Data were from 5 cells in 5 mm K+ and 9 cells in 25 mm K+. For 5 mm K+, **P < 0.01 for pHo 8.5 vs. pHo 6.0 (repeated measures ANOVA). For 25 mm K+, *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01, compared with pHo 7.4 (repeated measures ANOVA), respectively.