Fig. 5.
A. Spontaneous EPSC activity recorded in voltage clamp mode at a holding potential of -70 mV (mostly glutamatergic) in different cell types from TSC and CDIIB tissue samples. Normal pyramidal neurons and interneurons from TSC cases displayed higher frequencies than cytomegalic pyramidal neurons. In comparison, synaptic activity was low in the same cell types from CDIIB cases. Giant/balloon cells from TSC and CDIIB had no spontaneous synaptic activity. B. Amplitude-frequency histograms of synaptic glutamate activity recorded in normal and cytomegalic pyramidal neurons and interneurons from TSC and CDIIB samples. Across amplitude bins, the frequency of spontaneous events was consistently higher in cells from TSC cases. The difference in the lower amplitude bins was significant. Insets show the average frequencies of the 3 types of cells in TSC and CDIIB. The frequencies were significantly higher in normal pyramidal neurons and interneurons from TSC samples. C. Cumulative inter-event interval histograms comparing the probability distributions in normal pyramidal, cytomegalic and interneurons from TSC and CDIIB samples. (In all panels asterisks indicate statistically significant differences of at least p<0.05).