Fig. 1.
Nickel is toxic at micromolar levels and sensitivity is dependent on the carbon source. Cells were grown aerobically at 37 °C. (A) Wild-type cells (MG1655) and (B) rcnA mutant cells (LEM201) were grown on M9 glucose medium and challenged with 0 µM (□), 2 µM (●), 4 µM (▲), or 8 µM Ni(II) (♦). (C) Wild-type cells (MG1655) were grown in M9 medium containing fructose (open symbols) or glycerol (closed symbols) and challenged with 0 µM (squares) or 8 µM (diamonds) Ni(II). (D) Wild-type cells (MG1655, open symbols) and gnd mutant cells (LEM202, closed symbols) were grown in M9 gluconate medium containing 0 µM (squares) or 16 µM (crucibles) Ni(II). The data are representative of three independent experiments.