Figure 1.
(A) Telemetric surface ECGs of freely moving WT, Cav3.1−/−, Cav1.3−/− and Cav1.3−/−/Cav3.1−/− mice showed additive effect of Cav gene inactivation on AV conduction dysfunction. Solid bars indicate PR interval duration in different genotypes. Dotted bars indicate RR intervals. Arrows indicate isolated P waves. Note that in Cav1.3−/−/Cav3.1−/− mice, some P waves elicited a QRS complex and some isolated P waves fall into the T wave of the QRS complex. PR intervals were progressively longer in Cav3.1−/−, Cav1.3−/− and Cav1.3−/−/Cav3.1−/− mice. (B) Stars indicate statistical significance compared to WT (one-way ANOVA). (C) Isolated P waves were not found in WT and Cav3.1−/− mice. The number of two or three consecutive isolated P waves measured was higher in Cav1.3−/−/Cav3.1−/− than in Cav1.3−/− mice, indicating that AV conduction dysfunction in a Cav1.3−/− genetic background was worsened by additional loss of Cav3.1 channels. Stars indicate statistical significance compared to WT (Kruskal-Wallis).