Current myosin inventories and nomenclature for
selected organisms. Classes are designated by the letter M (myosin)
followed by Arabic numerals corresponding to the class number. Genes
predicted in full or in part from genomic sequence are indicated by an
asterisk. Accession numbers are for cDNA/protein sequences or genomic
clones (in square brackets). It should be noted that the numbering of
the budding yeast myosins (MYO1–5) and the unconventional myosins from
C. elegans (HUM1–8; heavy chain of
unconventional myosin) and rat (myr1–8;
myosin from rat) corresponds to the order of
discovery in these organisms and not their phylogenetic class.
Drosophila myosins have traditionally been referred to
by their chromosomal locus, Dictyostelium myosins are
lettered (MyoA-MyoM), and Arabidopsis myosins were named
ATM (class VIII) and MYA (class XI). The nomenclature of the vertebrate
myosins-I is particularly confusing because the assigned human gene
names do not correspond clearly to previous names. A table of
vertebrate myosin-I homologues can be found in Supplemental Materials
available online at Chr., chromosome; Rn,
Rattus norvegicus; Mm, Mus
musculus; Hs, Homo sapiens.