ER exit sites are close to microtubule minus ends
in myotubes. Microtubules in untreated myotubes (A) and in myotubes in
which microtubules had been left to recover for 5 min after
depolymerization (B) were stained with anti-tubulin and observed in the
confocal microscope. Close to the cell surface (A, top), there is a
dense network of microtubules without clear nucleation points. In the
core of the myotube (A, bottom), there is a perinuclear ring of tubulin
(arrowheads) in addition to mostly longitudinal microtubules. (B) C2
myotubes were placed on ice for 10 min, and then warmed up at 37°C in
nocodazole for 1 h to depolymerize the microtubules. Nocodazole
was then washed out. After a 5-min recovery, cultures were fixed and
stained with anti-tubulin (tub) and anti-Sec31p (sec). The microtubules
had already reformed a perinuclear belt and had regrown from many
cytoplasmic sites as well. Most ER exit sites (labeled with
anti-Sec31p) are in proximity of a site of microtubule nucleation,
which corresponds to the minus end of the microtubules. Bar, 10 μm.