11-cis-Retinol is oxidized in Nrl−/−Rpe65−/− retinas. A, HPLC traces of retinoids extracted from six Nrl−/−Rpe65−/− (P17) retinas. After incubating (60 min) with IRBP (24 μm) alone, 11-cis-retinal (11-cRAL) was essentially absent. After treating with IRBP (24 μm) and 11-cis-retinol (11-cROL) (24 μm), 11-cis-retinal was generated in the retinas. B, 11-cis-Retinal production in isolated retinas from Nrl−/−Rpe65−/− mice of increasing age. The decline in 11-cis-retinal production corresponds to the loss of photoreceptors seen in Nrl−/−Rpe65−/− mice, suggesting that 11-cis-retinal production occurred in the photoreceptors. Data points represent mean values of 11-cis-retinal per retina obtained from three samples with four retinas used per sample.