Pupils dilated with mydriatic ophthalmic drops (Cyclomydril (cyclopentolate 0.2%, phenylephrine 1%) 1–2 hours before the ROP eye examination.
Schedule and dosage for Cyclomydril: two drops in each eye every 5 minutes for a total of three doses.
During instillation of eye drops, cardiorespiratory monitors are in use with alarms on.
Topical anesthetic eye drops proparacaine hydrochloride 0.5% are administered immediately before the ROP eye examination
During the eye examination, the infant is swaddled and offered a pacifier. Sucrose 24% 1 pacifier dip every 2 minutes X 3 may be offered.
A speculum is used to retract and hold the eyelids open during the examination
A depressor is used to move the eyeball into required positions while the ophthalmologist examines the retina of the eye with an ophthalmoscope. Each eye is examined separately.
The infant is monitored continuously for signs of distress. If problems occur, the examination is stopped and the infant is stabilized.
Following the examination, the infant continues to be monitored for heart rate and respiratory status.