Detection of Spo20 and Spo20G275D by
Western blotting. (A) Strategy for constructing the spo20-HA
and spo20G275D-HA fusion genes. (B) Western
blotting analysis of Spo20 and Spo20G275D. Wild-type strain
(YN8-WH) and spo20 mutant strain (YN8-MH) carrying
spo20-HA and
spo20G275D-HA, respectively, were
cultured in liquid sporulation medium (MM-N) at 25°C. Protein
extracts were prepared at 0 and 10 h (lanes 1–4). Cells were also
cultured in liquid complete medium (YEL) at 25 or 37°C for 12 h
(lanes 5–8). Protein extracts were subjected to immunoblot
analysis with the mouse anti-HA, as well as with anti-α-tubulin
antibody as the loading control. Lanes 1, 3, 5, and 7, Spo20-HA; lanes
2, 4, 6, and 8, Spo20G275D-HA. Spo20-HA was detected as a
band of ∼39 kDa.