Figure 2.
Mean FA (gray scale) and skeleton of all subjects overlaid by the atlas labels in the ICBM-DTI-81 space. Colored regions indicate major white matter tracts. The skeleton from averaged FA maps is shown as white solid curve. L and R indicate left and right. Abbreviations of white matter tracts are as follows. ACR: Anterior corona radiata; ALIC: Anterior limb of internal capsule; BCC: Body of corpus callosum; CGC: Cingulum bundle at cingulate gyrus; CGH: Cingulum bundle in hippocampus; CST: Corticospinal tract; EC: External capsule; FX: Fornix; FX-B: Body of fornix; GCC: Genu of corpus callosum; IFO: Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus left; ILF: Inferior longitudinal fasciculus; PCR: Posterior corona radiate; PLIC: Posterior limb of internal capsule; PTR: Posterior thalamic radiation; RLIC: Retrolenticular part of internal capsule; SCC: Splenium of corpus callosum; SCR: Superior corona radiate; SLF: Superior longitudinal fasciculus; ST: Stria terminalis; UNC: Uncinate fasciculus.