Table 2.
aData are presented as numbers with percentages, unless stated otherwise.
bData are presented as median with range.
cIncluding Asian (n = 1) and Afro-Caribbean (n = 3).
dIncluding cancer of the bile tract (pancreatic cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, gall bladder cancer, ampulla of Vater carcinoma) and small intestines, excluding colorectal cancer.
eIncluding breast cancer (n = 4), head and neck cancer (n = 3), cervical carcinoma (n = 3), ocular melanoma (n = 2), urothelial cell carcinoma (n = 2), ovarian carcinoma (n = 1), and medulloblastoma (n = 1).
fn =130 (UGT1A1*28 and UGT1A1*93 status could not be obtained in three patients).
gAll patients who were homozygous for the wild-type *28 allele were also homozygous for the wild-type *93 allele.
hFifty-eight of 63 heterozygous *28 patients (TA6/TA7) were also heterozygous for the *93 variant allele. Five TA6/TA7 patients were homozygous for the wild-type *93 allele (G/G).
iAll patients who were homozygous for the variant *28 allele were also homozygous for the variant *93 allele.
Abbreviation: BSA, body surface area.