Monthly forest-atmosphere fluxes of carbon (kgC⋅ha-1⋅d−1 and MgC⋅ha-1⋅y−1) and energy (W⋅m−2) at the control (km 67, dark curve) and logged (km 83, light curve) sites in Tapajos National Forest, Para, Brazil: (A) GEE (positive to forest); (B) respiration (positive to atmosphere); (C) NEE (positive to atmosphere); (D) sensible heat flux; and (E) evapotranspiration and precipitation (mm d−1). Shaded areas about curves correspond to 95% percent confidence intervals because of sampling error, gap filling, and (A–C) the u*-filter cutoff (0.17–0.27 m s−1). Vertical shaded region September 15 to December 15 2001 indicates logging period. Horizontal dashed lines indicate the logged-site average during period before logging.