Ste6 is sequestered from the cytoplasm in a
pep4 mutant. The wild-type strain RKY1392 (lanes 1, 2,
and5) and the congenic Δpep4 strain
RKY1582 (lanes 3 and4), which both contain a
CUP1p-STE6-HIS3 cassette integrated into their genome,
were transformed with the vector plasmid YEplac181 (lanes 1 and 3) or
the 2μ-VPS4 plasmid pRK567 (lanes 2 and
4). Lane 6, doa4 strain RKY1651 containing the
CUP1-STE6-HIS3 cassette. An equal amount of cells was
spotted onto minimal plates containing different supplements (required
nutrients, +/−histidine, +/−0.5 mM CuSO4), as indicated.
Plates were incubated for 3 d at 30°C.