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. 2011 Nov 8;8:90. doi: 10.1186/1742-4690-8-90

Table 2.

Other HML-2 (and HML-2-like) proviruses

Provirus Alias Chr Orientation Start End Oldest Common
Estimated Ageg ORFs Reference
1p36.21a 1 (-) 12840260 12846364 Orangutan N/A gag This Study

1p36.21c K6,K76 1 (+) 13678850 13688242 Orangutan 22.69-41.09 gag Hughes and Coffin, 2001

1p34.3 1 (-) 36955490 36956728 Orangutan N/A This Study

1q43 1 (-) 238925595 238927773 Rhesus N/A This Study

4p16.3b K77 4 (-) 3980069 3988631 Chimpanzee 11.1-20.1 Romano et al., 2006

4p16.1b K50c 4 (+) 9659588 9668650 Chimpanzee 17.19-31.13 Macfarlane and
Simmonds, 2004

5q33.2 K18b 5 (-) 154016502 154024214 Chimpanzee 13.03-23.6 env Romano et al., 2006

6p11.2 K23 6 (+) 57623896 57628704 Orangutan 9.38-16.99 Romano et al., 2006

7q11.21 7 (-) 65469689 65472384 Chimpanzee N/A This Study

8p22 8 (-) 17765202 17773940 Rhesus N/A This Study

8q24.3b K29 8 (-) 146246648 146254211 Gibbonf 12.33-22.33 env Hughes and Coffin, 2001

12q24.33 K42 12 (-) 133667120 133673132 Orangutan 7.07-12.81 Romano et al., 2006

14q11.2 K(OLDAL136419),
14 (-) 24480625 24484121 Orangutan 11.98-21.69 gag Reus et al., 2001

14q32.33 14 (+) 106139659 106142540 Rhesus N/A Romano et al., 2006

15q25.2 15 (+) 84829020 84832364 Orangutan N/A This Study

16p13.3 K(OLDAC004034 16 (+) 2976160 2977661 Rhesus N/A This Study

17p13.1 17 (+) 7960357 7967219 Rhesus N/A This Study

19q13.41 19 (-) 53248274 53252591 Orangutan N/A pol Hughes and Coffin, 2001

22q11.23 K(OLDAP000345),
22 (+) 23879930 23888810 Gorillaf 21.64-39.18* gag Hughes and Coffin, 2001

Xq11.1 X (+) 61959549 61962054 Unknownb N/A env This Study

Xq12 X (-) 65684132 65686184 Human Specificc N/A This Study

Xq28a K63 X (+) 153817163 153819562 Human Specificd N/A gag Macfarlane and
Simmonds, 2004

Xq28b K63 X (-) 153836675 153844015 Orangutan 14.65-26.52 gag Macfarlane and
Simmonds, 2004

Yq11.23a Y (-) 26397837 26401035 Chimpanzeee N/A This Study

Yq11.23b Y (+) 27561402 27564601 Chimpanzeee N/A This Study

aRefers to most distant species with shared provirus. Determined by searching for provirus at the corresponding locus by BLAT

searching flanking sequence in the chimpanzee, orangutan, and rhesus publicly available genomes on the UCSC genome browser.

bRegion is flanked by satellite DNA, no good match found in non-human primate genomes.

cNo good match found in non-human primate genomes.

dProvirus is a product of a duplication event post human/chimpanzee split.

eProvirus is a product of a duplication event post chimpanzee/orangutan split.

fFrom Hughes and Coffin, 2001.

gAges based upon molecular clock calculations from Hughes and Coffin, 2005. N/A indicates unpaired LTRs or LTRs lacking sufficient sequence to determine age. Asterisk denotes age listed is for a recombinant provirus.