Figure 7.
AG Recruits PcG to WUS.
(A) ChIP using anti-HA antibodies to determine TFL2/LHP1 occupancy at WUS in 35S:TFL2-3HA and 35S:TFL2-3HA ag-1 inflorescences.
(B) ChIP using anti-H3K27me3 antibodies in DMSO- or DEX-treated 35S:AG-GR ag-1 inflorescences. At 2 h after treatments, inflorescences were dissected to remove stage 9 and older flowers and used for ChIP. In (A) and (B), real-time PCR reactions were performed with immunoprecipitated and total input DNA. Error bars represent sd, which were calculated from three technical repeats. Three biological replicates gave similar results. The regions interrogated are as diagramed in Figure 4E. eIF4A1 served as a negative control.