irx-1 knockdown restores backward locomotion in unc-55 mutants. A, unc-55 mutants coil ventrally during backward locomotion due to loss of inhibitory GABAergic input to ventral muscles (top panels). Treatment of unc-55 mutants with irx-1 RNAi restores backward locomotion (bottom panels). Animals were tapped on the head (asterisk) at t = 0. B, Quantification of irx-1 suppression of backward movement defect in unc-55 adults treated with control (empty vector) or with irx-1 RNAi. Animals were binned in three categories: severe unc, which coil ventrally immediately after a head tap; moderate unc, which attempt backward locomotion but stop after coiling ventrally (for example, see top panels in A); and wild type, which sustain backward locomotion (at least 1 body length; for example, see bottom panels in A). All control-treated animals exhibit uncoordinated backward locomotion (N = 61), whereas most (>80%) irx-1-treated animals show wild-type backward movement (N = 50).