Morphology of cdc3-124 ts strain
expressing various profilins from pRep 81 plasmid under the control of
the weakest nmt1 promoter after incubation for 8 h at 36°C in
the absence of thiamine. Cells were fixed and stained with DAPI and
Calcofluor. Calcofluor staining was recorded first (A, C, E, G). After
bleaching of the Calcofluor, DAPI staining was recorded (B, D, F, H).
(A and B) cdc3-124 without transformation. (C and D)
Y5D. (E and F) K81E. (G and H) Y79R. Calcofluor and DAPI were recorded
in the same time for wild-type profilin (I) and K81F (J). (K)
Quantitation of nucleus number in comparison with biochemical data.