Figure 3.
PARP-1 is required for neuroectoderm specification of hESCs. A) Neural differentiating cells were treated with PJ34 (10μM) between day4 and day6, and cells at day 10 were analyzed for the expression of PAX6 by flowcytometry. The mean ± S.E. value of the percentage of PAX6+ cells from three independent experiments are shown. *, P<0.05 in comparison with the value from control cells. B) Differentiating cells were treated with PJ34 (10μM) between day4 and day6 and cells at day 10 were subjected to immunostaining with Ab-PAX6 (red). Nuclei were shown by Hoechst staining. C) Differentiating cells were treated with PJ34 at different concentrations between day4 and day6 and the lysates from day 10 cells were subjected to immunoblotting with Ab-PAX6 or SOX2 as indicated. D) Total RNAs were extracted from cells that were prepared in the same way as A) and the expression of PAX6 and SOX2 were analyzed by real time PCR. The mean ± S.E. value from three independent experiments are shown after normalization to that of control cells. *, P<0.05 in comparison with the value from control cells.