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. 2011 Dec;1811(12):1165–1176. doi: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2011.07.015

Table 6.

Proteome of yeast lipid particles. §novel LP protein, found in cells grown on glucose or oleate, ¥ numbers indicate fragments used for identification of proteins from cells grown on glucose (D) or oleate (O). Proteins identified by only single peptides were excluded. C, cytosol; M, mitochondria; PM, plasma membrane; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; LP, lipid particle; End, endosomes; G, Golgi; Mic, microsomes; V, vacuole; Px, peroxisome; N, nucleus; nEnv, nuclear envelope; ext, extrinsic to membrane; mem, integral to membrane; bud, cellular bud; rib, ribosomal subunit; CW, cell wall; R, ribosome; Retro, retrotransposon; mTub, microtubule. Databases used: SGD (; GFP (; YPL (

Gene name Systematic name SGD GFP YPL This study D¥ O¥ Localization (SGD) Description
ACH1 YBL015W 2 C/M CoA transferase activity
ADH1 YOL086C 2 C/PM Alcohol dehydrogenase
ALG9 YNL219C 2 ER Mannosyltransferase
ATF1 YOR377W LP/End Alcohol acyltransferase
ATP2 YJR121W 9 M Subunit of mitochondria ATP synthase
AYR1 YIL124W 15 12 C/ER/LP/M NADPH-dependent 1-acyl dihydroxyacetone phosphate reductase
BSC2 YDR275W LP Unknown
COY1 YKL179C G Golgi membrane protein
CPR5§ YDR304C 7 3 C/ER Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase
CSR1 YLR380W LP/C/M/Mic Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein
CST26 YBR042C LP Required for incorporation of stearic acid into phosphatidylinositol
CWH43 YCR017C 2 PM Putative sensor/transporter protein
DFM1 YDR411C 2 ER ER localized derlin-like family member
DGA1 YOR245C 3 LP Diacylglycerol acyltransferase
DPL1 YDR294C 2 ER Dihydrosphingosine phosphate lyase
DPM1 YPR183W 2 ER/M Dolichol phosphate mannose synthase
EHT1 YBR177C 19 18 LP/M Acyl-coenzymeA:ethanol O-acyltransferase
ENO2 YHR174W 2 V/PM/M Enolase II
ERG1 YGR175C 5 15 ER/LP Squalene epoxidase
ERG6 YML008C 37 30 ER/LP/M Delta(24)-sterol C-methyltransferase
ERG7 YHR072W 7 2 ER/LP/PM Lanosterol synthase
ERG27 YLR100W 9 4 ER/M 3-Keto sterol reductase
FAA1 YOR317W 20 15 LP/PM/M Long chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase
FAA3 YIL009W 3 unknown Long chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase
FAA4 YMR246W 13 6 LP/C Long chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase
FAS1 YKL182W LP/C/M Fatty acid synthetase
FAT1 YBR041W 13 9 PM/LP/Mic/PX Fatty acid transporter
FMP52 YER004W 4 ER/M Unknown
GPT2 YKR067W 12 C/ER sn-1 Acyltransferase
GTT1§ YIR038C 2 8 ER/M/PM Glutathione S-transferase
GVP36 YIL041W 3 C/G BAR domain-containing protein
HFD1 YMR110C 7 18 M/LP/End Putative fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase
HSP12 YFL014W 6 C/PM/N Heat shock protein
KAR2 YJL034W 9 ER ATPase
LAP4 YKL103C 3 V Vacuolar aminopeptidase
LDB16 YCL005W LP/M Unknown
MSC1 YML128C 2 M/ER/PM Unknown
NUS1 YDL193W 9 4 ER/LP/nEnv Putative prenyltransferase
OSH4§ YPL145C 3 5 C/G/ext Oxysterol binding protein
OSW5 YMR148W 2 mem Unknown
PDI1§ YCL043C 6 7 ER Disulfide isomerase
PDR16 YNL231C 5 9 LP/Mic/PM/C Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein
PET10 YKR046C 12 24 LP Unknown
PGC1 YPL206C 9 LP/M Phosphatidylglycerol phospholipase C
PIL1 YGR086C C/M/PM Primary component of eisosomes
PMA1 YGL008C 3 PM/M/mem Plasma membrane H + − ATPase
PMT1 YDL095W 2 ER Protein O-mannosyltransferase
PMT2 YAL023C 3 ER Protein O-mannosyltransferase
POR1 YNL055C 2 M Mitochondrial porin
POX1 YGL205W 3 PX Fatty-acyl coenzyme A oxidase
RHO1 YPR165W 4 mem/PX/PM/M/bud GTP-binding protein
RPL5 YPL131W 3 rib Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit
RPL10 YLR075W 2 rib Protein component of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit
RPS1B YML063W 2 rib Ribosomal protein 10 (rp10) of the small (40S) subunit
RPS3 YNL178W 5 rib Protein component of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit
RPS19B YNL302C 2 rib Protein component of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit
RPS31 YLR167W 4 rib/C Fusion protein that is cleaved to yield a ribosomal protein of the small (40S) subunit and ubiquitin
RRT8 YOL048C 4 2 LP Unknown
RTN2 YDL204W 3 ER/nEnv Unknown
SEC61 YLR378C 5 ER Essential subunit of Sec61 complex
SEC63 YOR254C 4 ER/M Essential subunit of Sec63 complex
SHE10 YGL228W 4 unknown Putative glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein of unknown function
SLC1 YDL052C 2 3 LP 1-Acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase
SNA2 YDR525W-a Mem/C Unknown
SNX41 YDR425W End Sorting nexin
SRT1 YMR101C LP Cis-prenyltransferase
SSA1 YAL005C 2 C/PM/N ATPase
SSO1 YPL232W PM Plasma membrane t-snare
TDH1 YJL052W 4 C/LP/M/PM/CW Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, isozyme 1
TDH2 YJR009C C/LP/M/PM/CW Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, isozyme 2
TDH3 YGR192C 5 C/LP/M/PM/CW Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, isozyme 3
TEF1 YPR080W 5 M/R Translational elongation factor EF-1 alpha
TGL1 YKL140W 12 14 LP/mem Steryl ester hydrolase
TGL3 YMR313C 4 5 LP Triacylglycerol lipase
TGL4 YKR089C 3 4 LP Triacylglycerol lipase
TGL5 YOR081C 5 3 LP Triacylglycerol lipase
USE1 YGL098W ER SNARE protein
TSC10 YBR265W 2 C/ER/M 3-ketosphinganine reductase
TUB2 YFL037W 2 mTub Beta-tubulin
UBX2§ YML013W 5 3 ER/M Protein involved in ER-associated protein degradation
VPS66§ YPR139C 6 4 C Cytoplasmic protein of unknown function involved in vacuolar protein sorting
WBP1 YEL002C 3 ER/nEnv Beta subunit of the oligosaccharyl transferase (OST) glycoprotein complex
YBR204C YBR204C 3 unknown Serine hydrolase
YDR018C YDR018C unknown Similarity to acyltransferase
YEH1 YLL012W LP/mem Steryl ester hydrolase
YIM1 YMR152W 4 LP/C/M Unknown
YGR038C-B YGR038C-B 2 Retro Retrotransposon TYA Gag and TYB Pol genes
YJU3 YKL094W 3 2 LP/C/M/PM Serine hydrolase
YNL134C YNL134C 2 C/N Unknown
YNL208W YNL208W 3 M/R Unknown
YOR059C YOR059C LP Unknown
YOR246C YOR246C LP Similarity to oxidoreductase
YPT7§ YML001W 4 2 V/M GTPase
ZEO1 YOL109W 9 M/PM/ext Peripheral membrane protein