Fig. 1.
In situ hybridization analysis of thyroid hormone transporter mRNA expression in cochlear development. Lat1, Mct8, Mct10, and Oatp1c1 transporters (A–D) and for comparison, Dio2 (E) and Thrb (TRβ) (F). Signals, blue/purple staining. Scale bar in A also applies to B–G. A, Lat1 signal peaked at P1–P5 in the spiral ganglion (sg), spiral vessel (spv), spiral limbus (slb), spiral ligament (sl), and stria vascularis (stv). Fragmented signals (arrowheads) represent blood vessels. Weak signals were detected in hair cells (hc) at P3. B, Mct8 signal peaked at P1–P5 in the greater epithelial ridge (ger), lesser epithelial ridge (ler), sg, stv, and sl. After P5, signal increased in tympanic border cells (tbc). C, Mct10 signal appeared in the outer sulcus epithelium (ose) at P3–P7. By P7, Mct10 was also detected weakly in the inner sulcus epithelium (ise), hc, and tbc. D, Oatp1c1 signal appeared at P3–P5 and persisted at least until P15 in the modiolus (M), slb, and osseous spiral lamina (osl). Signal strengthened in tbc at P10. In the sl, signals were detected first in lower regions (one arrowhead at P5 and P7), then spreading to all regions of the sl (two arrowheads, P10). E, Dio2 signal detected in the M, osl, and sl. Dio2 signal peaked around P7. F, Thrb signal detected in the ger, sg, and weakly in the ler and lateral regions of the cochlear duct. Thrb signal peaked at E18–P1, then declined at P7–P10. G, A representative sense control probe (Lat1 shown) gave little or no background signal. H, Scheme of arterial (red, filled arrows) and venous (yellow, open arrows) blood flow in the cochlea. The greater epithelial ridge and organ of Corti (oc) shaded in dark gray receive little or no direct blood flow. J, Histology of immature (P0) and mature (adult) organ of Corti. Filled arrowhead, Inner hair cell; open arrowheads, outer hair cells. At mature stages, the ger has regressed to form the inner sulcus (is) cavity below the tectorial membrane (tm). Inner and outer hair cells are separated by the tunnel of Corti (tc). cv, Collecting venule; otc, otic capsule; ra, radiating arteriole; Rm, Reissner's membrane; sd, septal division between cochlear turns; SM, scala media; SMA, spiral modiolar artery; SMV, spiral modiolar vein; ST, scala tympani; SV, scala vestibuli.