Figure 2. Sources of antisense RNA.
A) An antisense RNA with a unique promoter. The coding region of a gene that is associated with an antisense RNA is shown as a dark blue box. The dashed black line with an arrowhead represents the sense transcript. The solid red line with arrowhead indicates the antisense RNA. B) An antisense RNA from a bidirectional promoter of a neighboring gene. The coding region of a gene that is associated with an antisense RNA is shown as a dark blue box. The dashed black line with an arrowhead represents the sense transcript. The coding region of a neighboring gene is shown as a light blue box and the transcript of the neighboring gene is indicated by the dashed red line. The solid red line with arrowhead indicates the antisense RNA. C) An antisense RNA created by an extended 3'UTR of a neighboring gene. The coding region of a gene that is associated with an antisense RNA is shown as a dark blue box. The dashed black line with an arrowhead represents the sense transcript. The coding region of a neighboring gene is shown as a light blue box. The solid red line with arrowhead indicates the antisense RNA.