Figure 5. Knockdown of Cul4b suppresses NGF-induced neurite elongation of PC12 cells in a Wdr5 dependent manner.
(A) PC12 cells were infected with retrovirus encoding shRNA for GFP, Cul4b, Wdr5 or p19Ink4d and infected cells were selected by puromycin treatment. Neurite-extending cells were counted 4 days after NGF treatment (upper panel) or cells were lysed and subjected to immunoblot analysis (IB) with indicated antibodies (lower panel).
(B) PC12 cells were infected with retrovirus encoding Flag-WDR5-HA, and infected cells were selected by puromycin treatment. Neurite extension and immunoblot analysis were performed as in (A).
Error bars represent S.E. from three independent experiments. Band intensity was measured by NIH Image J (version 1.44k). p values were measured by t test.
See also Figure S4.