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. 2010 Sep 17;10(9):8683–8695. doi: 10.3390/s100908683

Table 1.

The Proposed Scheme Notation.

Notation Description
hA (·) Represents the first hash function
hB (·) Represents the second hash function
(xi, yi) The nested hashing progress values for i-th authentication
hByi(hAxi(s)) Hashing the seed by hA (·) for xi times followed by hB (·) hashing for yi times for the i-th session
kxi, yi Session key for the i-th authentication
U The encryption of the concatenated message with the session by the session key
Pi The podcasted packet for the i-th authentication
X The broadcasted chain indexes, calculated by the CRT
Scrt The current seed
Snxt The next seed