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. 2011;19(3):216–223.

Table 3.

Estimates for the base, and final model and their Relative Standard Errors (RSE).

Parameter Base model MOF=2764.06 Units [Estimate (RSE%)] relative final model MOF=2756.64 Units [Estimate (RSE%)]
Pharmacokinetic parameters
CL (l/hr) 13.9 (7.0) 13.40 (6.0)
Vd (l) 41.0 (6.3) 42.60 (7.2)

Interpatient variability
ωCL (%) 32.5 (16) 18.2 (18)
ωVd (%) 20.0 (34) 15.8 (15)

Residual variability
σ2 (%) 39 32.1

CLθDIS 0.14(7.2)
VdθWT 0.01(29)

θ: Estimate of covariates

ω: inter patient variability