Fig. 3.
Southern blot analysis of selected transformants obtained with pALM33 in recipient strain XS1. DNA was digested by PstI, which does not cut the plasmid. The transformants studied were obtained with the uncut circular plasmid (C) or the plasmid cut with SacII/XmnI (SX) or AleI/BamHI (AB) or linearized with AleI (L). Relevant bands are marked by #, unfilled arrowheads, filled black arrowheads, and black diamonds. The 1-kb ladder from NEB is shown on the left (with bands at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 kbp). Note the common bands corresponding to the endogenous HSP70A (2 kb) and RBCS2 (4.2 kb) promoters and to the RBCS2 3′UTR (1.2 kb).