Fig. 4.
DCC-1 is required for proper perithecial development in N. crassa. The 74-ORS-6a (FGSC catalog no. 4200) wild-type (wt; A, C, and E) and dcc-1 mutant (B, D, and F) strains were inoculated as females onto Vogel's N modified agar plates. After 7 days of incubation at 25°C in the presence of light, the plates were inoculated with strain 74-OR23-1VA (FGSC catalog no. 2489) as the male, and 7 days later, the plates were examined. Representative pictures of the surface of the wild type (A, C) and the dcc-1 mutant (B, D) are presented. The cross sections of the plates with the wild-type (E) and Δdcc-1 mutant (F) strains are presented. Arrows indicate the localization of the perithecia formed.