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. 2011 Oct;20(10):1517–1524. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2011.2732

Table 1.

Demographic Characteristics of Participants (n=50)

Variable Control, n=23 Intervention, n=27 p valuea
Age (mean±SD) 26.4 (5.52) 25.0 (4.93) 0.38
Pregnancy week (mean±SD) 25.5 (7.63) 25.0 (8.45) 0.83
Race (%)     0.38
 African American 20 (87%) 21 (78%)  
 Caucasian 3 (13%) 5 (19%)  
 Hispanic - 1 (3%)  
Education (%)     0.29
 0–8 grades 3 (13%) 2 (7%)  
 9–11 grades 12 (52%) 12 (44%)  
 High school graduate or GED 6 (26%) 9 (33%)  
 Some college 2 (9%) 4 (15%)  
Marital status (%)     0.78
 Single 6 (26%) 7 (26%)  
Family history of alcohol abuse (%) 4 (27%) 11 (55%) 0.09b
Alcohol, quantity (SD) (g of ethanol per week)c 83.4 (147) 89.5 (91.3) 0.62
Received assistance in past year (%)
 WIC food assistance 16 (70%) 20 (74%) 0.73
 FIA assistance 10 (44%) 12 (44%) 0.95
CES-D, depressed status (%)
 Yes 14 (61%) 13 (48%) 0.41
Stage of change (%)     0.14b
 Precontemplation 3 (13%) 8 (30%)  
 Action 20 (87%) 19 (70%)  

p values for differences between conditions were calculated using chi-square analyses for dichotomous data; independent t tests for continuous data, and nonparametric analyses (Mann-Whitney U) for nonnormally distributed data.


Covaried in subsequent analyses.


One standard drink is equivalent to 14 g of alcohol.

CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; FIA, Family Independent Agency; GED, general equivalency diploma; SD, standard deviation; WIC, Women, Infants, and Children.