Table 4.
Group-by-Vision Interaction for absolute displacement, peak absolute velocity, average absolute velocity, and percent of cut to reach peak GRF.
Full Vision/Lead Leg Mean (±SD) | Disrupted Vision Lead Leg Mean (±SD) | Full Vision/Push Off Leg Mean (±SD) | Disrupted Vision/Push Off Leg Mean (±SD) | |
ACL Displ (m) | 0.76 (.12)* | 0.77 (.11)* | 0.75 (.16) | 0.75 (.17) |
ND Displ (m) | 0.87 (.08) | 0.83 (.09)* | 0.87 (.11) | 0.87 (.14) |
ACL PV (m/sec) | 2.19 (.50)† | 2.25 (.46)† | 2.88 (.56) | 2.92 (.68) |
ND PV (m/sec) | 2.65 (.36) | 2.59 (.44) | 3.18 (.72) | 3.19 (.93) |
ACL AV (m/sec) | 0.80 (.15)** | 0.82 (.14)** | 0.81 (.13) | 0.82 (.13) |
ND AV (m/sec) | 0.95 (.11) | 0.90 (.10) | 0.91 (.08) | 0.90 (.10) |
ACL %Cut (%) | 79.45 (2.77) | 79.45 (3.64) | 79.24 (2.36)† | 79.58 (2.25)† |
ND %Cut (%) | 77.17 (4.62) | 77.00 (3.87) | 77.41 (3.58) | 76.31 (4.69) |
ND = non-dominant limb; ACL = ACL reconstructed limb; Displ = absolute displacement; PV = peak absolute velocity; AV = average absolute velocity; %Cut = percent of cut to reach peak GRF
Significantly different than ND lead/full vision condition (p<0.05)
Significantly different than ND lead/disrupted vision and ND lead/full vision conditions (p<0.05)
Trend toward significant difference from ND/disrupted vision and ND/full vision (p<0.08)