Epithelial-expressed β1-integrin regulates IEC-6 adhesion. A: schematic diagram of laminin and collagen integrin receptor heterodimer partners. Squares indicate β-subunits, and circles represent α-subunit binding partners. B: integrin transcript was detected in rat intestinal epithelial cell line IEC-6. C: integrin transcript expressed in human intestinal cell lines, Caco2-BBe, T84, and HT29. H2O (negative control), RNA (RT negative control), and RNA isolated from rat small intestine (ratSI) or normal human colon tissue (positive control) were included in the analysis. D: functional β1-integrin blocking antibody (solid bars) decreases IEC-6 cell adhesion to laminin and collagen IV compared with untreated (open bars) or isotype (shaded bar) controls. Data are means ± SE from 3 experiments. Asterisk denotes statistically significant difference from untreated cells (*P ≤ 0.05).