α3-Integrin depletion within enterocytes. A: IEC-6 cells were equally transduced using LL3.7 green fluorescence protein (GFP) vectors, which were empty (GFP-Mock), contained a scrambled sequence (GFP-Scrambled), or shRNA specific for rat α3-integrin (GFP-shα3 Integrin). WT, wild-type. B: representative immunoblot detecting α3 and other epithelial integrins within WT, transduction controls, and GFP-shα3 integrin IEC-6 cells. C: densitometric analysis showing significant depletion of α3-integrin in GFP-shα3 cells (solid bar) compared with WT (open bar) and transduction controls (shaded bars). Data expressed as relative α3-integrin level normalized to GAPDH loading control from 9 different analyses. Asterisk denotes statistically significant difference from WT cells (***P ≤ 0.001) measured by ANOVA. Scale bar = 200 μm.