Figure 10. Susceptibilities of SCoV-like mRNAs to nsp1-induced RNA modification.
(A) Schematic diagram showing the structures of SCoV mRNA 9-like m9LN3, m9LN, m9N3 and m9Lrluc3 RNAs. N, N ORF; rluc, rluc gene. (B, C) In vitro-synthesized m9LN3 RNA and m9LN RNA were independently incubated with GST, nsp1 or nsp1-mt in RRL. RNAs were extracted and subjected to primer extension analysis by using the same primer described in Figure 9A. 5′-end, full-length primer extension product. (D-F) The experiment was carried out using the same methods as in C, except that the following combinations of RNA and primer were used: (D) m9N3 RNA and a primer that binds ∼76 nt downstream of N gene translation initiation codon; (E) m9Lrluc3 RNA and a primer that binds ∼100 nt downstream of the rluc gene translation initiation codon; and (F) m9Lactin3 RNA template and a primer that binds ∼1 nt downstream of the β-actin gene translation initiation codon.