Dynamics of 15N-labeled IC:1–143 in its apo bound (A–C) and p150Glued-bound states (D–F). Steady-state 1H-15N heteronuclear NOE values shown as Isat/Iunsat for 15N IC:1–143 in its apo bound (A) and p150221–509Glued-bound (D) states at pH 6.5 and 20 °C. Average steady-state heteronuclear NOE values calculated for the assigned N-terminal 41 residues and for residues 48–61 are plotted as dotted lines for those regions (A). NOE values lower than negative 1.5 corresponding to the C-terminal residues were truncated in these plots. T2 relaxation rates and CLEANEX-PM relative cross-peak intensities were measured at pH 6.5 and 5 °C for apo bound (B and C) and p150221–509Glued-bound 15N IC:1–143 (E and F), respectively. T2 values greater than 0.4 s corresponding to the C termini were truncated in these plots (B and E). CLEANEX-PM peak intensities (C and F) were recorded with a 20-ms mixing time. Dashed lines are drawn through the plots (A–F) to facilitate visual comparison.